Terms of use

The website housefitns.co.uk offers its services in accordance with the terms described below. The visitor / user of the services of this website housefitns.co.uk and the app application understands and accepts that all pages / services are provided “as is” and the website and app application disclaims any liability related to the limited time, deletion , poor performance or inability to electronically store any data (data) of users and / or any content of personal pages / services.
The visitor / user is responsible for accessing the services of the website and the application and the relevant access may require the payment of fees to third parties (eg internet service providers, charge for time spent on the internet). The visitor / user is solely responsible for paying the relevant fees. Also, the visitor / user is solely responsible for his personal equipment with the necessary technological means that allow him to access the services of the website and the app.

The Company is committed to ensuring the privacy of users of the website and the app. Each visitor / user is requested to accept the use of Cookies during their visit to the website.

More information on the protection of personal data and cookies policy can be found at the following link: [ Privacy Policy ]


Website / app visitors / users who are minors are not allowed to access the website and app services that may be considered inappropriate for minors and which cannot be accessed by the website and app. In any section or service that may contain inappropriate / offensive / immoral material there is a warning to visitors / users. Nevertheless, if underage users voluntarily visit pages with inappropriate / offensive / immoral material that cannot be constantly monitored, the website and app are not responsible.


It is mutually acceptable and understandable that all information, data, texts, graphics, photographs, images, music files, videos, messages and all content, whether posted publicly or privately, remains the sole responsibility of the natural or legal person from whom the content originates. This means that the user is solely responsible for any content that posts, publishes, submits, transfers or otherwise makes available through the services of the website and the app. The website and the app application, due to its volume, can not control all the content posted by users in the services of the website, so we do not guarantee the accuracy, integrity, legality, or quality of such content. Under no circumstances may the website and app be held responsible for any errors or omissions in any content or for any damage or loss that may result from the use of any content that is posted, uploaded, transferred or otherwise made available to users on website and app services. Users agree not to use the services of the website and the application and accept the full and exclusive responsibility for the following for: is transferred or otherwise made available by users to the services of the website and the app. Users agree not to use the services of the website and the application and accept the full and exclusive responsibility for the following for: is transferred or otherwise made available by users to the services of the website and the app. Users agree not to use the services of the website and the application and accept the full and exclusive responsibility for the following for:

1. Posting, publishing, sending, transferring or using any other method to post content that is illegal, harmful, threatening, offensive, defamatory, vulgar, violent, abusive, racist or otherwise reprehensible violates the privacy of others; , any intellectual property rights of any entity that causes hate speech, and / or any other recommended criminal offense and any other form of spam, as well as content containing digital viruses or any other electronic code, files, or programs designed to interfere with restrict the operation of any computer software or equipment or telecommunications equipment.

2. Causing harm to minors in any way.

3. Imitation of any legal or natural person or false statement about the identity of the user or misleading statement regarding the relationship and / or cooperation of the user with another legal or natural person.

4. Forgery or other alteration of user IDs, in order to mislead as to the origin of the content transmitted through the services of the site and the application.

5. Posting, publishing, sending, transferring or using another method to install content by a person who has no right to make such content available by law or on a confidential basis.

Interference with the services or disruption of the services or servers or networks that are connected to the services of the website and the application, or compliance with the terms, procedures and rules of use of these networks.

7. Violation, with or without intent, of any local, national, European, international law and / or any rule that has legal force and concerns and / or covers any service of the website and the app.

8. Harassment in any way of other users ‘privacy and individual and social rights (such as the collection and / or storage of other users’ personal data).

The user understands and accepts that the website and the app do not pre-empt the content, but also that the website and the app and their affiliates reserve the right (and not the obligation) of the exclusive refusal option to post or publish or move or delete any content available through its services. Also, the website, the app and its affiliates reserve the right to delete without notice any content that violates these terms of use.


The user understands and accepts that he / she reserves the sole responsibility to compensate the website and the application and his partners for any legal dispute that arises between him and third parties due to the content that he has provided for posting, publication, or other transfer through his services. website and app.


A cookie is a file that contains an identification code (a sequence of numbers and letters) that is sent from a server to a browser where it is stored. Each time the browser requests a page from the server, the password is sent back to it. The sending of cookies is therefore done by your visit to the website and the app. More details on the operation of cookies can be found in the privacy policy 


Except for the expressly stated exceptions (copyrights of third parties, affiliates and operators), all content of the Website and the app, including videos, images, graphics, photographs, drawings, texts, services provided and in general all files of the Website, are the intellectual property, registered trademarks, configurations, insignia and service marks of the site and the app application and are protected by the relevant provisions of European law and international conventions and treaties. None of them may, in whole or in part, be sold, copied, modified, reproduced, reposted or “uploaded”, transmitted or distributed in any way. The products or services mentioned in the web pages of this node and in the app application and bear the marks of the respective organizations, companies, partners, associations or publications, are their own intellectual and industrial property and therefore these bodies bear the relevant responsibility. The user understands and accepts that he is not given the right to reproduce, copy, sell, resell and / or commercially exploit all or part of the content of the website and the application. If he does so, he accepts that he is solely responsible for compensating the above. are their own intellectual and industrial property and therefore these bodies bear the relevant responsibility. The user understands and accepts that he is not given the right to reproduce, copy, sell, resell and / or commercially exploit all or part of the content of the website and the application. If he does so, he accepts that he is solely responsible for compensating the above. are their own intellectual and industrial property and therefore these bodies bear the relevant responsibility. The user understands and accepts that he is not given the right to reproduce, copy, sell, resell and / or commercially exploit all or part of the content of the website and the application. If he does so, he accepts that he is solely responsible for compensating the above.


Given the nature and volume of the internet, under any circumstances, including negligence, the website and app application are not liable for any kind of damage suffered by the user of the pages, app application, services, options and content. which he carries out on his own initiative. Its contents are provided “as is” without any warranty expressed or implied in any way. To the fullest extent and in accordance with the law, the website and the app deny all warranties expressed or implied, including, but not limited to, those which imply marketability and suitability for a particular purpose.

The website and app do not warrant that the pages, services, options and contents will be provided without interruption, without errors and that errors will be corrected. Also, it does not guarantee that the same or any other related site or the servers (servers) through which they are made available to users / members, do not contain “viruses” or other harmful components. The website and the application do not guarantee in any case the correctness, completeness or availability of the contents, pages, services, options or their results. The cost of any corrections or services is borne by the visitor / user and in no case this website and the app and the Company that manages or operates it commercially.

The website is a news site, with the aim of valid and timely information to users (as well as the app). The news and information that are posted daily, result from a news report of its authors and collaborators (as in the app application).

The website and the app application, the Administration and its authors, are not responsible for the posts made by its affiliated partners, the column of which is hosted in the context of the collaboration on the website and the app application.


The website and the app host the “BLOGS” column. In these “BLOGS” the responsibility for the posts, as well as their content belongs exclusively to their authors, explicitly excluding any responsibility regarding the website and the application. The same goes for the comments posted by users on it.


The content and information contained in the website and in the app is an offer to the user and the internet community in general and can of course not be construed as valid information and / or advice or conceal any prompts for the business or not. specific acts. The website and the application undertake the collection, processing and distribution of its content, but without in any way guaranteeing its perfection, completeness, adequacy and general suitability and the absence of possible errors, much more due to the particularly large volume, as well as the participation of third parties (natural or legal persons) in its primary production and collection. Therefore, users of the website and app,

Some of the information on the website and app is provided by third parties. The website and app are not able to verify this information and do not guarantee its accuracy.


The website and app application have hyperlinks to and details about third party websites or related applications. Although the Company makes every effort to verify the identity, quality, completeness of the services and the compliance of these websites in matters of security and privacy, the website and the application can not control them all and do not carry responsibility for the availability, content, privacy policy, quality and completeness of the services of other web sites and pages to which it refers through “links”, hyperlinks or banner ads.


The above terms and conditions of use of the website, as well as any modification thereof, are governed and supplemented by European Union law and the relevant international treaties, and competent Courts for resolving any dispute are defined by the Courts of Athens. . Any provision of the above terms becomes contrary to law, automatically ceases to apply, without in any way affecting the validity of the other terms.